Function to estimate the 1-PLCDM (Madison et al., 2023; Maas et al., 2023).
- data
a required \(N \times I\) matrix. Binary item responses are in the columns.
- q.matrix
a required \(I \times A\) matrix indicating which items measure which attributes.
- progress
An optional logical indicating whether the function should print the progress of estimation.
Estimates the single-attribute and multi-attribute 1-PLCDM described in Madison et al. (2023). Example shows that attribute subscores are sufficient statistics for classifications.
George, A. C., Robitzsch, A., Kiefer, T., Gross, J., & Ünlü , A. (2016). The R package CDM for cognitive diagnosis models. Journal of Statistical Software, 74(2), 1-24.
Henson, R., Templin, J., & Willse, J. (2009). Defining a family of cognitive diagnosis models using log linear models with latent variables. Psychometrika, 74, 191-21.
Madison, M.J., Chung, S., Kim, J., & Bradshaw, L. (2023). Approaches to estimating longitudinal diagnostic classification models. Behaviormetrika.
Madison, M.J., Wind, S., Maas, L., Yamaguchi, K. & Haab, S. (2023). A one-parameter diagnostic classification model with familiar measurement properties. Arxiv.
Maas, L., Madison, M. J., & Brinkhuis, M. J. (2024). Properties and performance of the one-parameter log-linear cognitive diagnosis model. Frontiers.
# \donttest{
## Example 1: A = 4
dat5 <- data.tdcm05$data
qmat5 <- data.tdcm05$q.matrix
# calibrate LCDM
m1 <- CDM::gdina(dat5, qmat5, linkfct = "logit", method = "ML")
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> CDM 8.2-6 (2022-08-25 15:43:23)
#> GDINA Model
#> Link function: logit
#> ** 2024-02-05 21:05:35.533472
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 1 2024-02-05 21:05:35.553656
#> Deviance = 19770.5
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.084303
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 2 2024-02-05 21:05:35.59159
#> Deviance = 17905.28 | Deviance change = 1865.213
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.05588
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 3 2024-02-05 21:05:35.623407
#> Deviance = 17666.32 | Deviance change = 238.9634
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.074029
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 4 2024-02-05 21:05:35.653853
#> Deviance = 17522.41 | Deviance change = 143.912
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.02881
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 5 2024-02-05 21:05:35.673247
#> Deviance = 17509.64 | Deviance change = 12.76482
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.021972
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 6 2024-02-05 21:05:35.694591
#> Deviance = 17503.68 | Deviance change = 5.9658
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.004612
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 7 2024-02-05 21:05:35.714126
#> Deviance = 17500.71 | Deviance change = 2.966632
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.014631
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 8 2024-02-05 21:05:35.739902
#> Deviance = 17491.82 | Deviance change = 8.893127
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.003278
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 9 2024-02-05 21:05:35.758956
#> Deviance = 17494.42 | Deviance change = -2.603457
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence. ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.021912
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 10 2024-02-05 21:05:35.788221
#> Deviance = 17484.83 | Deviance change = 9.589414
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.003986
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 11 2024-02-05 21:05:35.80623
#> Deviance = 17484.8 | Deviance change = 0.0370989
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.010959
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 12 2024-02-05 21:05:35.827594
#> Deviance = 17482.69 | Deviance change = 2.110455
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.00172
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 13 2024-02-05 21:05:35.84306
#> Deviance = 17482.63 | Deviance change = 0.0551816
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.003247
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 14 2024-02-05 21:05:35.862612
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = 0.1285058
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000442
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 15 2024-02-05 21:05:35.878082
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = 0.0050662
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000736
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 16 2024-02-05 21:05:35.896699
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0019762
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence. ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.00023
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 17 2024-02-05 21:05:35.911424
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0017578
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence. ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000182
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 18 2024-02-05 21:05:35.927432
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0020594
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence. ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000145
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 19 2024-02-05 21:05:35.95426
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0020351
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence. ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000118
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 20 2024-02-05 21:05:35.967539
#> Deviance = 17482.51 | Deviance change = -0.001883
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence. ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 9.9e-05
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Time difference of 0.4952683 secs
# calibrate 1-PLCDM
m2 <- TDCM::oneplcdm(dat5, qmat5)
#> [1] Estimating 1-PLCDM...
#> [1] Estimation is complete. Use the CDM summary function to display results.
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> CDM 8.2-6 (2022-08-25 15:43:23)
#> Call:
#> CDM::gdina(data = data, q.matrix = q.matrix, linkfct = "logit",
#> method = "ML", delta.designmatrix = delta.designmatrix, HOGDINA = 0,
#> progress = FALSE)
#> Date of Analysis: 2024-02-05 21:05:38.257046
#> Time difference of 1.628655 secs
#> Computation Time: 1.628655
#> Higher Order Generalized DINA Model
#> Number of iterations = 47
#> Iteration with minimal deviance = 4
#> Estimation method: ML
#> Optimizer: CDM
#> Monotonicity constraints: FALSE
#> Number of items at boundary monotonicity constraint: NA
#> Parameter regularization: FALSE
#> Deviance = 18247.97 | Log likelihood = -9123.99
#> Number of persons = 750
#> Number of groups = 1
#> Number of items = 20
#> Number of estimated parameters = 28
#> Number of estimated item parameters = 24
#> Number of estimated skill class parameters = 4 ( 16 latent skill classes)
#> AIC = 18304 | penalty = 56 | AIC = -2*LL + 2*p
#> BIC = 18433 | penalty = 185.36 | BIC = -2*LL + log(n)*p
#> CAIC = 18461 | penalty = 213.36 | CAIC = -2*LL + [log(n)+1]*p (consistent AIC)
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Used Q-matrix
#> Att1 Att2 Att3 Att4
#> Item1 1 0 0 0
#> Item2 1 0 0 0
#> Item3 1 0 0 0
#> Item4 1 0 0 0
#> Item5 1 0 0 0
#> Item6 0 1 0 0
#> Item7 0 1 0 0
#> Item8 0 1 0 0
#> Item9 0 1 0 0
#> Item10 0 1 0 0
#> Item11 0 0 1 0
#> Item12 0 0 1 0
#> Item13 0 0 1 0
#> Item14 0 0 1 0
#> Item15 0 0 1 0
#> Item16 0 0 0 1
#> Item17 0 0 0 1
#> Item18 0 0 0 1
#> Item19 0 0 0 1
#> Item20 0 0 0 1
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Item Parameter Estimates
#> link item itemno partype rule est se partype.attr
#> 1 logit Item1 1 0 GDINA -1.5972 0.1281
#> 2 logit Item1 1 1 GDINA 1.7928 0.1710 Att1
#> 3 logit Item2 2 0 GDINA -1.8484 0.1398
#> 4 logit Item2 2 1 GDINA 1.7928 0.1796 Att1
#> 5 logit Item3 3 0 GDINA -1.2660 0.1157
#> 6 logit Item3 3 1 GDINA 1.7928 0.1643 Att1
#> 7 logit Item4 4 0 GDINA -1.4336 0.1216
#> 8 logit Item4 4 1 GDINA 1.7928 0.1670 Att1
#> 9 logit Item5 5 0 GDINA -1.5713 0.1270
#> 10 logit Item5 5 1 GDINA 1.7928 0.1703 Att1
#> 11 logit Item6 6 0 GDINA -1.4673 0.1418
#> 12 logit Item6 6 1 GDINA 2.4114 0.1784 Att2
#> 13 logit Item7 7 0 GDINA -1.5011 0.1434
#> 14 logit Item7 7 1 GDINA 2.4114 0.1791 Att2
#> 15 logit Item8 8 0 GDINA -0.9655 0.1238
#> 16 logit Item8 8 1 GDINA 2.4114 0.1750 Att2
#> 17 logit Item9 9 0 GDINA -1.0838 0.1274
#> 18 logit Item9 9 1 GDINA 2.4114 0.1746 Att2
#> 19 logit Item10 10 0 GDINA -1.2169 0.1318
#> 20 logit Item10 10 1 GDINA 2.4114 0.1750 Att2
#> 21 logit Item11 11 0 GDINA -1.2240 0.1131
#> 22 logit Item11 11 1 GDINA 2.9666 0.1967 Att3
#> 23 logit Item12 12 0 GDINA -1.6220 0.1277
#> 24 logit Item12 12 1 GDINA 2.9666 0.1906 Att3
#> 25 logit Item13 13 0 GDINA -1.4200 0.1197
#> 26 logit Item13 13 1 GDINA 2.9666 0.1924 Att3
#> 27 logit Item14 14 0 GDINA -1.1768 0.1117
#> 28 logit Item14 14 1 GDINA 2.9666 0.1981 Att3
#> 29 logit Item15 15 0 GDINA -1.4495 0.1208
#> 30 logit Item15 15 1 GDINA 2.9666 0.1919 Att3
#> 31 logit Item16 16 0 GDINA -1.2130 0.1774
#> 32 logit Item16 16 1 GDINA 2.7803 0.2092 Att4
#> 33 logit Item17 17 0 GDINA -1.6921 0.2057
#> 34 logit Item17 17 1 GDINA 2.7803 0.2272 Att4
#> 35 logit Item18 18 0 GDINA -1.3103 0.1823
#> 36 logit Item18 18 1 GDINA 2.7803 0.2116 Att4
#> 37 logit Item19 19 0 GDINA -1.5943 0.1990
#> 38 logit Item19 19 1 GDINA 2.7803 0.2223 Att4
#> 39 logit Item20 20 0 GDINA -1.3030 0.1819
#> 40 logit Item20 20 1 GDINA 2.7803 0.2114 Att4
#> Note: Standard errors are not (yet) correctly implemented!
#> RMSD (RMSEA) Item Fit Statistics
#> Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10
#> 0.161 0.144 0.184 0.160 0.192 0.196 0.121 0.143 0.137 0.160
#> Item11 Item12 Item13 Item14 Item15 Item16 Item17 Item18 Item19 Item20
#> 0.078 0.077 0.070 0.065 0.069 0.254 0.173 0.147 0.112 0.125
#> Mean of RMSEA item fit: 0.138
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Model Implied Conditional Item Probabilities
#> item rule nessskill itemno skillcomb prob
#> 1 Item1 GDINA Att1 1 A0 0.1684
#> 2 Item1 GDINA Att1 1 A1 0.5487
#> 3 Item2 GDINA Att1 2 A0 0.1361
#> 4 Item2 GDINA Att1 2 A1 0.4861
#> 5 Item3 GDINA Att1 3 A0 0.2200
#> 6 Item3 GDINA Att1 3 A1 0.6287
#> 7 Item4 GDINA Att1 4 A0 0.1925
#> 8 Item4 GDINA Att1 4 A1 0.5888
#> 9 Item5 GDINA Att1 5 A0 0.1720
#> 10 Item5 GDINA Att1 5 A1 0.5551
#> 11 Item6 GDINA Att2 6 A0 0.1874
#> 12 Item6 GDINA Att2 6 A1 0.7199
#> 13 Item7 GDINA Att2 7 A0 0.1823
#> 14 Item7 GDINA Att2 7 A1 0.7131
#> 15 Item8 GDINA Att2 8 A0 0.2758
#> 16 Item8 GDINA Att2 8 A1 0.8094
#> 17 Item9 GDINA Att2 9 A0 0.2528
#> 18 Item9 GDINA Att2 9 A1 0.7904
#> 19 Item10 GDINA Att2 10 A0 0.2285
#> 20 Item10 GDINA Att2 10 A1 0.7675
#> 21 Item11 GDINA Att3 11 A0 0.2272
#> 22 Item11 GDINA Att3 11 A1 0.8510
#> 23 Item12 GDINA Att3 12 A0 0.1649
#> 24 Item12 GDINA Att3 12 A1 0.7932
#> 25 Item13 GDINA Att3 13 A0 0.1947
#> 26 Item13 GDINA Att3 13 A1 0.8244
#> 27 Item14 GDINA Att3 14 A0 0.2356
#> 28 Item14 GDINA Att3 14 A1 0.8569
#> 29 Item15 GDINA Att3 15 A0 0.1901
#> 30 Item15 GDINA Att3 15 A1 0.8201
#> 31 Item16 GDINA Att4 16 A0 0.2292
#> 32 Item16 GDINA Att4 16 A1 0.8274
#> 33 Item17 GDINA Att4 17 A0 0.1555
#> 34 Item17 GDINA Att4 17 A1 0.7480
#> 35 Item18 GDINA Att4 18 A0 0.2124
#> 36 Item18 GDINA Att4 18 A1 0.8131
#> 37 Item19 GDINA Att4 19 A0 0.1688
#> 38 Item19 GDINA Att4 19 A1 0.7660
#> 39 Item20 GDINA Att4 20 A0 0.2137
#> 40 Item20 GDINA Att4 20 A1 0.8142
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Skill Probabilities
#> skill.prob0 skill.prob1
#> Att1 0.5803 0.4197
#> Att2 0.4352 0.5648
#> Att3 0.5938 0.4062
#> Att4 0.2399 0.7601
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Polychoric Correlations
#> Group 1
#> Att1 Att2 Att3 Att4
#> Att1 1 0 0 0
#> Att2 0 1 0 0
#> Att3 0 0 1 0
#> Att4 0 0 0 1
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Skill Pattern Probabilities
#> 0000 1000 0100 1100 0010 1010 0110 1110 0001 1001
#> 0.0360 0.0260 0.0467 0.0338 0.0246 0.0178 0.0319 0.0231 0.1140 0.0824
#> 0101 1101 0011 1011 0111 1111
#> 0.1479 0.1070 0.0780 0.0564 0.1012 0.0732
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Higher Order GDINA Model
#> Attribute Response Function Parameters
#> b.Gr1 a.Gr1 int.Gr1
#> Att1 0.744 0 -Inf
#> Att2 -0.047 0 Inf
#> Att3 0.190 0 -Inf
#> Att4 -0.698 0 Inf
#demonstrate 1-PLCDM sum score sufficiency for each attribute
subscores <- cbind(rowSums(dat5[, 1:5]), rowSums(dat5[, 6:10]),
rowSums(dat5[, 11:15]), rowSums(dat5[, 16:20]))
colnames(subscores) <- c("Att1", "Att2", "Att3", "Att4")
proficiency <- cbind(m2$pattern[, 6] > .50, m2$pattern[, 7] > .50,
m2$pattern[, 8] > .50, m2$pattern[, 9] > .5) * 1
table(subscores[, 1], proficiency[, 1])
#> 0 1
#> 0 150 0
#> 1 250 0
#> 2 0 156
#> 3 0 95
#> 4 0 71
#> 5 0 28
table(subscores[, 2], proficiency[, 2])
#> 0 1
#> 0 88 0
#> 1 149 0
#> 2 106 0
#> 3 0 138
#> 4 0 163
#> 5 0 106
table(subscores[, 3], proficiency[, 3])
#> 0 1
#> 0 136 0
#> 1 209 0
#> 2 74 0
#> 3 0 86
#> 4 0 131
#> 5 0 114
table(subscores[, 4], proficiency[, 4])
#> 0 1
#> 0 68 0
#> 1 76 0
#> 2 0 62
#> 3 0 127
#> 4 0 254
#> 5 0 163
#plot sum score sufficiency for each attribute
posterior1pl <- m2$pattern[, 6:9]
posteriorlcdm <- m1$pattern[, 6:9]
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (i in 1:4) {
plot(subscores[, i], posteriorlcdm[, i], pch = 19,las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5,
xlab = "Sum Scores", ylab = "P(proficiency)",
cex.main = 1.5, col = "grey", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", cex = 1.2,
main = paste("Attribute ", i, sep = ""))
graphics::axis(side = 1, at = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), )
graphics::axis(side = 2, at = c(0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1.0), las = 1)
graphics::points(subscores[, i], posterior1pl[, i], col = "black", pch = 18, cex = 1.5)
graphics::abline(a = .50, b = 0, col = "red")
graphics::legend("bottomright", c("1-PLCDM", "LCDM"), col = c("black", "grey"),
pch = c(18 ,19), box.lwd = 0, box.col = "white", bty = 'n')
# }