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Function to estimate the 1-PLCDM (Madison et al., 2023; Maas et al., 2023).


oneplcdm(data, q.matrix, progress = TRUE)



a required \(N \times I\) matrix. Binary item responses are in the columns.


a required \(I \times A\) matrix indicating which items measure which attributes.


An optional logical indicating whether the function should print the progress of estimation.


An object of class gdina with entries as indicated in the CDM package.


Estimates the single-attribute and multi-attribute 1-PLCDM described in Madison et al. (2023). Example shows that attribute subscores are sufficient statistics for classifications.


Currently, this model cannot be embedded within the TDCM via the rule argument.


George, A. C., Robitzsch, A., Kiefer, T., Gross, J., & Ünlü , A. (2016). The R package CDM for cognitive diagnosis models. Journal of Statistical Software, 74(2), 1-24.

Henson, R., Templin, J., & Willse, J. (2009). Defining a family of cognitive diagnosis models using log linear models with latent variables. Psychometrika, 74, 191-21.

Madison, M.J., Chung, S., Kim, J., & Bradshaw, L. (2023). Approaches to estimating longitudinal diagnostic classification models. Behaviormetrika.

Madison, M.J., Wind, S., Maas, L., Yamaguchi, K. & Haab, S. (2023). A one-parameter diagnostic classification model with familiar measurement properties. Arxiv.

Maas, L., Madison, M. J., & Brinkhuis, M. J. (2024). Properties and performance of the one-parameter log-linear cognitive diagnosis model. Frontiers.


# \donttest{
## Example 1: A = 4
dat5 <- data.tdcm05$data
qmat5 <- data.tdcm05$q.matrix

# calibrate LCDM
m1 <- CDM::gdina(dat5, qmat5, linkfct = "logit", method = "ML")
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> CDM 8.2-6 (2022-08-25 15:43:23) 
#> GDINA Model 
#>  Link function: logit 
#>   ** 2024-02-05 21:05:35.533472 
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 1     2024-02-05 21:05:35.553656 
#> Deviance = 19770.5
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.084303 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 2     2024-02-05 21:05:35.59159 
#> Deviance = 17905.28 | Deviance change = 1865.213
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.05588 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 3     2024-02-05 21:05:35.623407 
#> Deviance = 17666.32 | Deviance change = 238.9634
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.074029 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 4     2024-02-05 21:05:35.653853 
#> Deviance = 17522.41 | Deviance change = 143.912
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.02881 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 5     2024-02-05 21:05:35.673247 
#> Deviance = 17509.64 | Deviance change = 12.76482
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.021972 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 6     2024-02-05 21:05:35.694591 
#> Deviance = 17503.68 | Deviance change = 5.9658
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.004612 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 7     2024-02-05 21:05:35.714126 
#> Deviance = 17500.71 | Deviance change = 2.966632
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.014631 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 8     2024-02-05 21:05:35.739902 
#> Deviance = 17491.82 | Deviance change = 8.893127
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.003278 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 9     2024-02-05 21:05:35.758956 
#> Deviance = 17494.42 | Deviance change = -2.603457
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence.   ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.021912 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 10     2024-02-05 21:05:35.788221 
#> Deviance = 17484.83 | Deviance change = 9.589414
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.003986 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 11     2024-02-05 21:05:35.80623 
#> Deviance = 17484.8 | Deviance change = 0.0370989
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.010959 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 12     2024-02-05 21:05:35.827594 
#> Deviance = 17482.69 | Deviance change = 2.110455
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.00172 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 13     2024-02-05 21:05:35.84306 
#> Deviance = 17482.63 | Deviance change = 0.0551816
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.003247 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 14     2024-02-05 21:05:35.862612 
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = 0.1285058
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000442 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 15     2024-02-05 21:05:35.878082 
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = 0.0050662
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000736 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 16     2024-02-05 21:05:35.896699 
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0019762
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence.   ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.00023 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 17     2024-02-05 21:05:35.911424 
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0017578
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence.   ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000182 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 18     2024-02-05 21:05:35.927432 
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0020594
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence.   ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000145 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 19     2024-02-05 21:05:35.95426 
#> Deviance = 17482.5 | Deviance change = -0.0020351
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence.   ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 0.000118 
#> ...........................................................
#> Iteration 20     2024-02-05 21:05:35.967539 
#> Deviance = 17482.51 | Deviance change = -0.001883
#> **** Deviances decreases! Check for nonconvergence.   ****
#> Maximum parameter change: 9.9e-05 
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Time difference of 0.4952683 secs

# calibrate 1-PLCDM
m2 <- TDCM::oneplcdm(dat5, qmat5)
#> [1] Estimating 1-PLCDM...
#> [1] Estimation is complete. Use the CDM summary function to display results.
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> CDM 8.2-6 (2022-08-25 15:43:23) 
#> Call:
#> CDM::gdina(data = data, q.matrix = q.matrix, linkfct = "logit", 
#>     method = "ML", delta.designmatrix = delta.designmatrix, HOGDINA = 0, 
#>     progress = FALSE)
#> Date of Analysis: 2024-02-05 21:05:38.257046 
#> Time difference of 1.628655 secs
#> Computation Time: 1.628655 
#> Higher Order Generalized DINA Model 
#> Number of iterations = 47
#> Iteration with minimal deviance = 4 
#> Estimation method: ML
#> Optimizer: CDM
#> Monotonicity constraints: FALSE
#> Number of items at boundary monotonicity constraint: NA
#> Parameter regularization: FALSE
#> Deviance = 18247.97  | Log likelihood = -9123.99 
#> Number of persons = 750 
#> Number of groups = 1 
#> Number of items = 20 
#> Number of estimated parameters = 28 
#> Number of estimated item parameters = 24 
#> Number of estimated skill class parameters = 4 ( 16 latent skill classes)
#> AIC = 18304  | penalty = 56    | AIC = -2*LL + 2*p  
#> BIC = 18433  | penalty = 185.36    | BIC = -2*LL + log(n)*p   
#> CAIC = 18461  | penalty = 213.36    | CAIC = -2*LL + [log(n)+1]*p  (consistent AIC)   
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Used Q-matrix 
#>        Att1 Att2 Att3 Att4
#> Item1     1    0    0    0
#> Item2     1    0    0    0
#> Item3     1    0    0    0
#> Item4     1    0    0    0
#> Item5     1    0    0    0
#> Item6     0    1    0    0
#> Item7     0    1    0    0
#> Item8     0    1    0    0
#> Item9     0    1    0    0
#> Item10    0    1    0    0
#> Item11    0    0    1    0
#> Item12    0    0    1    0
#> Item13    0    0    1    0
#> Item14    0    0    1    0
#> Item15    0    0    1    0
#> Item16    0    0    0    1
#> Item17    0    0    0    1
#> Item18    0    0    0    1
#> Item19    0    0    0    1
#> Item20    0    0    0    1
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Item Parameter Estimates 
#>     link   item itemno partype  rule     est     se partype.attr
#> 1  logit  Item1      1       0 GDINA -1.5972 0.1281             
#> 2  logit  Item1      1       1 GDINA  1.7928 0.1710         Att1
#> 3  logit  Item2      2       0 GDINA -1.8484 0.1398             
#> 4  logit  Item2      2       1 GDINA  1.7928 0.1796         Att1
#> 5  logit  Item3      3       0 GDINA -1.2660 0.1157             
#> 6  logit  Item3      3       1 GDINA  1.7928 0.1643         Att1
#> 7  logit  Item4      4       0 GDINA -1.4336 0.1216             
#> 8  logit  Item4      4       1 GDINA  1.7928 0.1670         Att1
#> 9  logit  Item5      5       0 GDINA -1.5713 0.1270             
#> 10 logit  Item5      5       1 GDINA  1.7928 0.1703         Att1
#> 11 logit  Item6      6       0 GDINA -1.4673 0.1418             
#> 12 logit  Item6      6       1 GDINA  2.4114 0.1784         Att2
#> 13 logit  Item7      7       0 GDINA -1.5011 0.1434             
#> 14 logit  Item7      7       1 GDINA  2.4114 0.1791         Att2
#> 15 logit  Item8      8       0 GDINA -0.9655 0.1238             
#> 16 logit  Item8      8       1 GDINA  2.4114 0.1750         Att2
#> 17 logit  Item9      9       0 GDINA -1.0838 0.1274             
#> 18 logit  Item9      9       1 GDINA  2.4114 0.1746         Att2
#> 19 logit Item10     10       0 GDINA -1.2169 0.1318             
#> 20 logit Item10     10       1 GDINA  2.4114 0.1750         Att2
#> 21 logit Item11     11       0 GDINA -1.2240 0.1131             
#> 22 logit Item11     11       1 GDINA  2.9666 0.1967         Att3
#> 23 logit Item12     12       0 GDINA -1.6220 0.1277             
#> 24 logit Item12     12       1 GDINA  2.9666 0.1906         Att3
#> 25 logit Item13     13       0 GDINA -1.4200 0.1197             
#> 26 logit Item13     13       1 GDINA  2.9666 0.1924         Att3
#> 27 logit Item14     14       0 GDINA -1.1768 0.1117             
#> 28 logit Item14     14       1 GDINA  2.9666 0.1981         Att3
#> 29 logit Item15     15       0 GDINA -1.4495 0.1208             
#> 30 logit Item15     15       1 GDINA  2.9666 0.1919         Att3
#> 31 logit Item16     16       0 GDINA -1.2130 0.1774             
#> 32 logit Item16     16       1 GDINA  2.7803 0.2092         Att4
#> 33 logit Item17     17       0 GDINA -1.6921 0.2057             
#> 34 logit Item17     17       1 GDINA  2.7803 0.2272         Att4
#> 35 logit Item18     18       0 GDINA -1.3103 0.1823             
#> 36 logit Item18     18       1 GDINA  2.7803 0.2116         Att4
#> 37 logit Item19     19       0 GDINA -1.5943 0.1990             
#> 38 logit Item19     19       1 GDINA  2.7803 0.2223         Att4
#> 39 logit Item20     20       0 GDINA -1.3030 0.1819             
#> 40 logit Item20     20       1 GDINA  2.7803 0.2114         Att4
#> Note: Standard errors are not (yet) correctly implemented!
#> RMSD (RMSEA) Item Fit Statistics
#>  Item1  Item2  Item3  Item4  Item5  Item6  Item7  Item8  Item9 Item10 
#>  0.161  0.144  0.184  0.160  0.192  0.196  0.121  0.143  0.137  0.160 
#> Item11 Item12 Item13 Item14 Item15 Item16 Item17 Item18 Item19 Item20 
#>  0.078  0.077  0.070  0.065  0.069  0.254  0.173  0.147  0.112  0.125 
#> Mean of RMSEA item fit: 0.138 
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Model Implied Conditional Item Probabilities 
#>      item  rule nessskill itemno skillcomb   prob
#> 1   Item1 GDINA      Att1      1        A0 0.1684
#> 2   Item1 GDINA      Att1      1        A1 0.5487
#> 3   Item2 GDINA      Att1      2        A0 0.1361
#> 4   Item2 GDINA      Att1      2        A1 0.4861
#> 5   Item3 GDINA      Att1      3        A0 0.2200
#> 6   Item3 GDINA      Att1      3        A1 0.6287
#> 7   Item4 GDINA      Att1      4        A0 0.1925
#> 8   Item4 GDINA      Att1      4        A1 0.5888
#> 9   Item5 GDINA      Att1      5        A0 0.1720
#> 10  Item5 GDINA      Att1      5        A1 0.5551
#> 11  Item6 GDINA      Att2      6        A0 0.1874
#> 12  Item6 GDINA      Att2      6        A1 0.7199
#> 13  Item7 GDINA      Att2      7        A0 0.1823
#> 14  Item7 GDINA      Att2      7        A1 0.7131
#> 15  Item8 GDINA      Att2      8        A0 0.2758
#> 16  Item8 GDINA      Att2      8        A1 0.8094
#> 17  Item9 GDINA      Att2      9        A0 0.2528
#> 18  Item9 GDINA      Att2      9        A1 0.7904
#> 19 Item10 GDINA      Att2     10        A0 0.2285
#> 20 Item10 GDINA      Att2     10        A1 0.7675
#> 21 Item11 GDINA      Att3     11        A0 0.2272
#> 22 Item11 GDINA      Att3     11        A1 0.8510
#> 23 Item12 GDINA      Att3     12        A0 0.1649
#> 24 Item12 GDINA      Att3     12        A1 0.7932
#> 25 Item13 GDINA      Att3     13        A0 0.1947
#> 26 Item13 GDINA      Att3     13        A1 0.8244
#> 27 Item14 GDINA      Att3     14        A0 0.2356
#> 28 Item14 GDINA      Att3     14        A1 0.8569
#> 29 Item15 GDINA      Att3     15        A0 0.1901
#> 30 Item15 GDINA      Att3     15        A1 0.8201
#> 31 Item16 GDINA      Att4     16        A0 0.2292
#> 32 Item16 GDINA      Att4     16        A1 0.8274
#> 33 Item17 GDINA      Att4     17        A0 0.1555
#> 34 Item17 GDINA      Att4     17        A1 0.7480
#> 35 Item18 GDINA      Att4     18        A0 0.2124
#> 36 Item18 GDINA      Att4     18        A1 0.8131
#> 37 Item19 GDINA      Att4     19        A0 0.1688
#> 38 Item19 GDINA      Att4     19        A1 0.7660
#> 39 Item20 GDINA      Att4     20        A0 0.2137
#> 40 Item20 GDINA      Att4     20        A1 0.8142
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Skill Probabilities 
#>      skill.prob0 skill.prob1
#> Att1      0.5803      0.4197
#> Att2      0.4352      0.5648
#> Att3      0.5938      0.4062
#> Att4      0.2399      0.7601
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Polychoric Correlations 
#> Group 1
#>      Att1 Att2 Att3 Att4
#> Att1    1    0    0    0
#> Att2    0    1    0    0
#> Att3    0    0    1    0
#> Att4    0    0    0    1
#>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Skill Pattern Probabilities 
#>   0000   1000   0100   1100   0010   1010   0110   1110   0001   1001 
#> 0.0360 0.0260 0.0467 0.0338 0.0246 0.0178 0.0319 0.0231 0.1140 0.0824 
#>   0101   1101   0011   1011   0111   1111 
#> 0.1479 0.1070 0.0780 0.0564 0.1012 0.0732 
#>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> Higher Order GDINA Model 
#>   Attribute Response Function Parameters 
#>       b.Gr1 a.Gr1 int.Gr1
#> Att1  0.744     0    -Inf
#> Att2 -0.047     0     Inf
#> Att3  0.190     0    -Inf
#> Att4 -0.698     0     Inf
#demonstrate 1-PLCDM sum score sufficiency for each attribute
subscores <- cbind(rowSums(dat5[, 1:5]), rowSums(dat5[, 6:10]),
rowSums(dat5[, 11:15]), rowSums(dat5[, 16:20]))
colnames(subscores) <- c("Att1", "Att2", "Att3", "Att4")
proficiency <- cbind(m2$pattern[, 6] > .50, m2$pattern[, 7] > .50,
m2$pattern[, 8] > .50, m2$pattern[, 9] > .5) * 1
table(subscores[, 1], proficiency[, 1])
#>       0   1
#>   0 150   0
#>   1 250   0
#>   2   0 156
#>   3   0  95
#>   4   0  71
#>   5   0  28
table(subscores[, 2], proficiency[, 2])
#>       0   1
#>   0  88   0
#>   1 149   0
#>   2 106   0
#>   3   0 138
#>   4   0 163
#>   5   0 106
table(subscores[, 3], proficiency[, 3])
#>       0   1
#>   0 136   0
#>   1 209   0
#>   2  74   0
#>   3   0  86
#>   4   0 131
#>   5   0 114
table(subscores[, 4], proficiency[, 4])
#>       0   1
#>   0  68   0
#>   1  76   0
#>   2   0  62
#>   3   0 127
#>   4   0 254
#>   5   0 163

#plot sum score sufficiency for each attribute
posterior1pl <- m2$pattern[, 6:9]
posteriorlcdm <- m1$pattern[, 6:9]
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (i in 1:4) {
 plot(subscores[, i], posteriorlcdm[, i], pch = 19,las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5,
 xlab = "Sum Scores", ylab = "P(proficiency)",
 cex.main = 1.5, col = "grey", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", cex = 1.2,
 main = paste("Attribute ", i, sep = ""))
 graphics::axis(side = 1, at = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), )
 graphics::axis(side = 2, at = c(0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1.0), las = 1)
 graphics::points(subscores[, i], posterior1pl[, i], col = "black", pch = 18, cex = 1.5)
 graphics::abline(a = .50, b = 0, col = "red")
 graphics::legend("bottomright", c("1-PLCDM", "LCDM"), col = c("black", "grey"),
 pch = c(18 ,19), box.lwd = 0, box.col = "white", bty = 'n')

# }